Trinity 2021
Convenors: Dmitri Levitin and Noel Malcolm
Time: Tuesdays (Weeks 1-4), 2-4pm.
Venue: Zoom. Register here to receive the Zoom links.
Further sign up information can be seen on the attached termcard poster:
Week 1: Tuesday 27th April, 2-4pm
James Hook, (Lincoln College, Oxford): ‘Mary Astell and Pierre Bayle: On the Margins of Toleration’
Week 2: Tuesday 4th May, 2-4pm
Ruggero Sciuto, (Wolfson/Voltaire Foundation, Oxford): ‘Hiding Between the Lines: God, Causation, and Laws of Nature in the Works of the Baron d’Holbach’
Week 3: Tuesday 11th May, 2-4pm
Howard Hotson, (St Anne’s, Oxford): ‘Post-Ramist Method and the Reception of the New Philosophies: Intellectual History from the Ground Up’.
Week 4: Tuesday 18th May, 2-4pm
Sophie Roux, (École Normale Supérieure, Paris/All Souls, Oxford), ‘The Life and Works of Jacques Du Roure. Hunting for an Unknown Cartesian’.
Convenors: Sophie Aldred and Alex Beeton
Time: Mondays, [Weeks 1,3,5,7], 5pm
Venue: Teams. Email for the link
Week 1: Monday 26th April, 5pm
John Morrill, (University of Cambridge): ‘‘They made a desert and they called it peace': Cromwell's War in Ireland’.
Week 3: Monday 10th May, 5pm
Sarah Mortimer and David Scott, (University of Oxford & History of Parliament): ‘Henry Marten and the 'Original of all Just Power''.
Week 5: Monday 24th May, 5pm
Grant Tapsell, (University of Oxford): ‘The Ordeal of William Sancroft: A conservative endures Britain in revolution'.
Week 7: Monday 7th June, 5pm
Anthony Milton, (University of Sheffield): ‘Further reformation? Episcopalian royalist rethinking in the 1650s'
Convenor: Henrike Lähneman
Time: Wednesday, [Weeks 1-8], 3-5pm.
Venue: Teams.
Taylor Editions and the Centre for the Study of the Book present: Digital Editions Live – Launching the Oxford History of the Book Projects 2021. The series presents projects which have been developed by Master students in the Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages as part of their ‘Method Option’ Palaeography, History of the Book, Digital Humanities.
Launches will feature new digital editions on, the Taylor Editions website, and a live showing of manuscripts and books. The sessions take place during the Oxford Trinity Term, 28 April to 16 June 2021, every Wednesday 3-5pm. Everybody is welcome to attend the sessions which will be held via Teams and recorded. Join the meeting here
After term, there will be a workshop in conjunction with Dark Archives to reflect on the methodology of editing, presenting – and teaching History of the Book on 25 June. For further information, contact Henrike Lähnemann <>
Week 1: Wednesday 28th April, 3-5pm
Introduction and Animals in French Manuscripts
Henrike Lähnemann, Emma Huber, Andrew Dunning: Introduction to Digital Editions Live
Sebastian Dows-Miller: ‘Re-awakening Merton’s Beasts’, (Merton College, MS. 249). Edition.
Week 2: Wednesday 5th May, 3-5pm
Travelling Manuscripts
Eva Neufeind, Agnes Hilger, Mary Boyle and Aysha Strachan: ‘Arnold von Harff’s Travelogue in the Bodleian Library (MS. Bodley 972) and in other manuscripts’.
Week 3: Wednesday 12th May, 3-5pm
Early Printed Holdings in Taylorian and Bodleian
Agnes Hilger and Alyssa Steiner: ‘Pfaffennarr (Taylor ARCH.8o.G.1521(27) & Bodleian Library Tr.Luth. 16 (78))’
Alexandra Hertlein: ‘Jacob Locher Panegyricus (Inc. e. G7.1497.2./Douce 73)’
Grace Cook: ‘Marginalia in the 1509 Le rommant de la rose (Taylor Arch.Fol.F.15)’
Sam Griffiths and Christian Tofte: ‘Marginalia in Plutarch’s Vidas Paralelas (Taylor ARCH Fol. Sp. 1491)’
Week 4: Wednesday 19th May, 3-5pm
Indigenous Languages: Tupi and Welsh
Mary Newman: ‘The oldest Tupi manuscript (MS. Bodley 617)’
Lois Williams: ‘Cân o Senn iw Hên Feistr TOBACCO (1718), NLW. North PRINT W.s. 156’
Week 5: Wednesday 26th May, 3-5pm
Illustrated Italian Manuscripts
Katie Bastiman and Holly Abrahamson: ‘Dante Ante-Purgatorio (MS. Canon.Ital. 108)’
Giuseppe Nanfitò: ‘Boccaccio, Filocolo (MS. Canon. Ital. 85)’
Week 6: Wednesday 2nd June, 3-5pm
Collective Editing and Linked Data
Josephine Bewerunge, Molly Ford, Sam Heywood, Caroline Lehnert, Molly Lewis, Marlene Schilling: ‘A collective edition of a German devotional miscellany (MS. Germ. e. 5)’
Danielle Apodaca: ‘Le Roman de Flamenca DH project across editions and translations’
Week 7: Wednesday 9th June, 3-5pm
Transforming Manuscripts
Carrie Heusinkveld: ‘Reconsidering the Metamorphoses by Clément Marot (MS. Douce 117)’
Javaria Abbasi: ‘Pedro de Medina’s Libro de cosmographia (1538), (MS. Canon. Ital. 243)’
Week 8: Wednesday 16th June, 3-5pm
Special Book Launch: 500 Years Passional Christi und Antichristi
Edmund Wareham presents the newest book in the Reformation Pamphlet series, the ‘Passional Christi und Antichristi’ (Taylor ARCH 8° G. 1521 (19)
Convenors: Emma Smith, Katie Murphy, Joe Moshenska, Lorna Hutson
Time: Tuesdays, [Weeks 1,3,5 and 7], 5.15-7.15pm.
Venue: Zoom. The Zoom link will be sent out with the weekly CEMS email.
Week 1: Tuesday 27th April, 5.15-7.15pm
Lauren Working (Exeter, Oxford): ‘Not as a poet, but a pioneer’: Fancy and the Colonial Gaze in William Davenant’s Madagascar (1638)
Abstract: ‘In the late 1630s, the court poet William Davenant applied his literary energies to Madagascar, an island off the eastern coast of Africa: ‘Thus in a dream did I adventure out, between the southern Tropic and the line’. While previous scholarship has highlighted the poem's ambiguous attitude towards empire, focusing more on the rising interest in eastern diplomacy at Charles I's court, this paper argues that the poem becomes an important space for prominent poets – Davenant, but also friends and fellow wits including John Suckling and Endymion Porter – to reflect on issues of desire, truth, and fantasy in the context of colonial expansion. The use of fancy in Madagascar, and in the wider court poetics of the 1630s, becomes key to understanding the colonial gaze at court, and the particular aesthetics of empire it helped create.’
Week 3: Tuesday 11th May, 5.15-7.15pm
Kimberly Coles (Maryland), Denis Britton (University of New Hampshire), Hannah Crawforth (King’s College, London) Jyotsna Singh (Michigan State University): ‘Teaching Early Modern Race Literature and Race: A Roundtable’
Week 5: Tuesday 25th May, 5.15-7.15pm
Will West (Northwestern University): ‘Distracted Globes, Attentive Spirits, Thronged Doors: The Playhouse as a Form of Thought’
Abstract: ‘When Hamlet famously promises the Ghost of his father to remember him “whiles memory holds a seat in this distracted globe”, he refers both to his own head and to the playhouse he finds himself in. Discourses of stage-playing of Elizabethan and Jacobean England frequently figure the playhouses as minds of their own, and the playing and playgoing that took place in and around them as a kind of thinking. This talk will explore the currency of the figure in Shakespeare’s time, some of its connotations, and finally consider to what extent we may wish to entertain its proposition: that playhouses think.’
Week 7: Tuesday 8th June, 5.15-7.15pm
End-of-year Reading and Discussion Group
‘On Being Attached’ from Rita Felski, Hooked: Reflections on Art and Attachment (2020)
The reading will be circulated via the CEMS email, along with the Zoom link. Please bring along your own stories of attachment to works of art.
Convenors: Katherine Ibbet
Time: Thursdays, [Weeks 1,3,5 and 7], 5pm*. Please note different start time in Week 3.
Venue: Zoom.
Week 1: Thursday 29th April, 5pm
Juliette Cherbuliez, (Minnesota): ‘Jacques Callot’s Egyptians’.
Week 3: Thursday 13th May, 12pm*
Graduate showcase featuring Oxford MML DPhil students
Rachel Hindmarsh (Trinity): 'Medicine, Time, and Narrative in Rabelais'
Alex Lawrence (Keble): 'The Toucan in early modern France'
Nora Baker (Jesus): 'Une patience vrayement chrétienne: Jean-François Bion's Compensation for
his Catholic past'
Becky Short (St Hilda’s): ‘The workings of colour(s) in Louis-Antoine Caraccioli’
Week 5: Thursday 27th May, 5pm
Book showcase: Colonialism and Slavery in Performance (Voltaire Foundation/Liverpool UP, 2021) with the editors Jeffrey Leichman (LSU) and Karine Bénac-Giroux (Université des Antilles)
Week 7: Thursday 10th June, 5pm
End of year social - as picnic if possible (tbc)
Convenors: Kate Allan (Exeter College) and Leah Veronese (Balliol College)
Time: Tuesday, [2,4,6,8], 5.15pm.
Venue: Zoom. For the link please email or
All early modern graduate students warmly invited
Week 2: Tuesday 4th May, 5.15pm
Imi Snell, (Corpus Christi College): ‘Navigating Obscure Early Modern Women Poets and the Unpublished Poetry of Frances Feilding and Christobella Rogers’
Lakshmi Balakrishnan, (The Queen’s College): ‘Emotional Value in Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida’
Week 4: Tuesday 18th May, 5.15pm
Natalia Quiros Edmunds (Wadham College): ‘Aurum nostrum non est aurum vulgi: Distilling alchemical knowledge in Aemilia Lanyer’s Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum (1611)’
Meghan Kern (Lincoln College): tbc.
Week 6: Tuesday 1st June, 5.15pm
Richard Bradshaw, (Hertford College): tbc
Christopher Archibald, (New College): ‘The Unremarkable Richard Crashaw? The Problem of Confessional Identity and Literary Form’
Week 8: Day Date, time
Early Modern Picnic and Quiz
For the final forum of term, please join us for a socially distanced picnic and quiz to meet your fellow graduate students. We hope to see you there!
Convenors: Ros Ballaster, Ellen Brewster, Christine Gerrard, Katie Noble, Nicole Pohl, David Taylor, Ben Wilkinson-Turnball, Abigail Williams
Time: Tuesdays, [Weeks 2,4,6 and 8], 5.30-7pm*. Please note different time in Week 2.
Venue: All seminars on zoom. Weeks 4 and 6 are open to the public. Weeks 2 and 8 are Oxford members only. All sign up information through Twitter @EngFac18thC.

Week 2: Tuesday 4th May, 12.30-2pm
This session is open to Oxford members only.
Zachary Garber (Oxford) ‘Mock Histories: Chronicle Fictions of the Mid-Eighteenth Century’
Jemima Hubberstey,(Oxford) ‘ "It baffles all arrogant pretences to learning": The Mithraic Altar at Wrest Park'.
Week 4: Tuesday 18th May, 5.30-7pm
This session is open to the public.
Professor Ashley Cohen, (University of Southern California): ‘Slavery and Freedom in the Two Indies’.
Week 6: Tuesday 1st June, 5.30-7pm
This session is open to the public.
Dr James Harriman-Smith, Faculty of English, (Newcastle University): ‘Easy Transitions and Amazing Transitions: Garrick, Hume, and Dramatic Character’.
Week 8: Tuesday 15th June, 5.30-7pm
This session is open to Oxford members only.
Dr Ruth Scobie (Oxford): ‘ “Drawn in the darkest colour”’: Whiteness, women, and fictional celebrity, 1780-1806’.
Convenors: John Colley and Jennyth Evans
Time: Thursdays, [Weeks 1-8], 4-5pm.
Venue: Teams. Please email or to be added to the mailing list.
We will be using the Loeb edition for all texts. All members of the University of Oxford welcome!
Week 1: Thursday 29th April, 4-5pm
Aristophanes, Frogs, 51-82, 180-96, 689-99, 1019-56
Week 2: Thursday 6th May, 4-5pm
Ovid, Amores, III.2.1-42, 59-84
Week 3: Thursday 13th May, 4-5pm
Herodotus, The Persian Wars, VIII.84-6, 96
Week 4: Thursday 20th May, 4-5pm
Sallust, The War With Catiline, 52.36-54
Week 5: Thursday 27th May, 4-5pm
Homer, Iliad, VI.429-81
Week 6: Thursday 3rd June, 4-5pm
Pliny the Younger, Letters, VI.16.1-3, 13-end
Week 7: Thursday 10th May, 4-5pm
Sophocles, Antigone, 21- 77, 857-82
Week 8: Thursday 17th May, 4-5pm
Catullus, 10, 51, 85, 101
Convenors: Perry Gauci (Lincoln), Oliver Cox (TORCH), H Smith (St Hilda’s) and B Harris (Worcester)
Time: Tuesdays, [Weeks 1-8], 4pm.
Venue: Teams. For link email
Week 1: Tuesday 27th April, 4pm
Myles Smith (St Edmund Hall, Oxford): 'Piety and Protest: Popular Belief in the Scottish Lowlands, c. 1730-1800'.
Week 2: Tuesday 4th May, 4pm
Ingrid Schreiber, (Wadham College, Oxford): ‘Solitude and Sociability in the Late German Enlightenment, 1756-1807’.
Week 3: Tuesday 11th May, 4pm
Amanda Westcott, (Keble College, Oxford): ‘The Court of George III and Country Houses: hosting the "Royal Excursioners" at Nuneham Courtenay in Oxfordshire’.
Week 4: Tuesday 18th May, 4pm
Jean-Francois Dunyach, (Sorbonne): ‘William Playfair vs France: a case-study in British Popular conservatism and the London Press during the French Revolution’.
Week 5: Tuesday 25th May, 4pm
Richard Drayton, (KCL): ‘Europe's "Blue Water" empires and its hinterlands: the Pan-European dimension of early modern globalization’.
Week 6: Tuesday 1st June, 4pm
Carl Griffin, (Sussex): ‘Enclosure as a Colonial Act: the Common as terra nullius’.
Week 7: Tuesday 8th June, 4pm
Julie Farguson, (St Hilda's, Oxford): ‘Visualising Protestant Monarchy: Ceremony, Art and Politics after the Glorious Revolution, 1689-1714’.
Week 8: Tuesday 15th June, 4pm
Undergraduate Thesis Session.
Convenors: Christopher Archibald, Felicity Brown, & Dan Haywood
Time: Mondays, [Weeks 1-8], 12.30pm*. Please note different start times in Weeks 2, 4 and 7.
Venue: Teams. For link email
Week 1: Monday 26th April, 12.30pm
Peter Davidson, (Oxford): ‘America in the European Imagination: The Contrasting Cases of Chapman (1613) and Rubens (1635)’
Week 2: Monday 3rd May, 5.15pm*
Brandi Adams, (Arizona): ‘“Difficile est Satyram non scribere”: The Parnassus Plays, The Bishops’ Ban and English Juvenalian Satire in the 1590s’
Week 3: Monday 10th May, 12.30pm
Mark Hailwood, (Bristol): ‘The Meaning of Marks: Reassessing Writing Ability in Rural England, 1550-1700’
Week 4: Monday 17th May, 5pm*
Nigel Smith, (Princeton): ‘Transnational Early Modern Literature: Diplomacy, Migration, Theatre and the International Public Sphere’
Week 5: Monday 24th May, 12.30pm
Kim Gilchrist, (Cardiff): ‘Reflections on Early Modern Brutan Drama’
Week 6: Monday 31st May, 12.30pm
Anthony Milton, (Sheffield): ‘“A Model of a Reunited Christendom”? Britain and Religious Exiles and Travellers in the Short Peace (1592-1620)’
Week 7: Monday 7th June, 5pm*
Steve Hindle, (Huntington Library): ‘Dwelling, Labour and the Task-scape in Seventeenth-Century England: The Case of the Village Blacksmith’
Week 8: Monday 14th June, 12.30pm
Amy Blakeway, (St Andrews): ‘History, Literature, and Suzerainty: English, Scottish and ‘British’ Histories in sixteenth-century France’
Convenors: Diarmaid MacCulloch, Kirsten Macfarlane, Judith Maltby, Sarah Mortimer, Grant Tapsell
Time: Thursdays, [Weeks 1-8], 5pm.
Venue: Teams. To sign up email
Week 1: Thursday 29th April, 5pm
Professor Kenneth Fincham, (University of Kent): ‘The Re-establishment of the Church of England 1660-3 Revisited’.
Week 2: Thursday 6th May, 5pm
Dr James Harris, (Newcastle University): ‘Anglicanism and “Occasional Nonconformity” in South-West Wales, c.1660-1700’.
Week 3: Thursday 13th May, 5pm
Dr Kirsten Macfarlane, (Keble): ‘What has Purgatory to do with the Persian Monarchy? Chronology and Theology in late Elizabethan England’.
Week 4: Thursday 20th May, 5pm
Professor Margaet McGylnn (Western University), ‘Criminal Justice Reform and Religious Reformation in Early Tudor England’.
Week 5: Thursday 27th May, 5pm
Dr James Mawdesley, (Lancaster University): ‘Petitioning for the Settling of the Church: the Lancashire and Cheshire Presbyterian Campaign of 1646 and its Contexts’.
Week 6: Thursday 3rd June, 5pm
Professor Lori Anne Ferrell, (Claremont Graduate University): ‘Inventing the Anglican Reformation: Scholarship, Rivalry, and the Fate of English Protestantism’.
Week 7: Thursday 10th June, 5pm
Professor Richard Oram, (University of Stirling): ‘Religious Response to Epidemic Disease in Scotland, 1348-1648)’.
Week 8: Thursday 17th June, 5pm
Professor Ethan Shagan (The University of California, Berkeley): ‘Stealing Bibles in Early Modern London’.
Convenors: Dr Ruggero Sciuto,
Time: Tuesdays*, [Weeks 2, 4, 6, 8], 5pm. Please note Monday in Week 8.
Venue: Zoom. For link email .
Week 2: Tuesday 4th May, 5pm
Michael Martoccio, (University of Oxford): 'The Art of Mercato: Buying City-States in Renaissance Tuscany’.
Week 4: Tuesday 18th May, 5pm
Diana Carrió-Invernizzi, (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia): 'Practices of materiality and visual culture in Early Modern Diplomatic Encounters'.
Week 6: Tuesday 1st June, 5pm
Rahul Markovits, (ENS, Paris): 'A Dragoman on home soil: Pierre-Marie Ruffin and the translation of Oriental envoys and travellers in late eighteenth-century France'.
Week 8: *Monday 14th June, 5pm
Roundtable on early modern Ottoman diplomacy