CEMS Funding Competition 2020: Results

We are delighted to announce the winners of our 2020 funding competition!

CEMS recently invited researchers to apply for a share of up to £1000 to support a conference, symposium, or workshop on an early modern research topic. Proposals were judged on how far they facilitated the CEMS mission: furthering interdisciplinarity in early modern studies. This year, we are supporting five very different events, which range from performance-based symposia, to an educational workshop, to a fact-finding conference, to the launch of a new translation.



'Network Mapping London's Strangers: A Workshop on Integrating Digital Methods with Early Modern Studies'.

English Faculty, University of Oxford, 18 March

Organised by Tom Roberts and Emily Stevenson

Join us for a one-day training workshop on using network mapping and analysis in early modern studies. Network mapping is a practically simple and highly effective way of visualising communities which both compliments and complicates traditional methodologies. For those unfamiliar with digital methods, however, it can appear prohibitively difficult. This workshop will provide attendees with both the skills and confidence to incorporate network analysis into their own research. Using documentary records of migrant populations in sixteenth-century London as a case study, participants will learn how to collect, extract, format and model network data for analysis. All you need is a laptop capable of running the open-source network analysis software Gephi!


'‘Silence to the proclamation!’: a half-day, interdisciplinary symposium upon public performances of authority in early modern England'.

Jesus College, Oxford, 20 May 2020

Organised by Lucy Clarke

What did it mean to make a proclamation in early modern England? What performance was required from a Justice of the Peace to arrest their neighbour? And how did popular drama’s use of common processes of authority like these contribute to or alter their meaning? This symposium aims to bring together researchers from English, history and performance studies, in order to probe some of these questions. It builds from recent currents in early modern history, considering the lived experience of government, and the state as social actor, and from the increased interest in the modalities of performance in early modern literary studies. It hopes to foster discussion across disciplinary boundaries, to explore different ways of approaching the ways that authority was performed in ordinary life.



'Extravagant History: Staging Henry VIII'

Friday, June 26, 2020. English Faculty, University of Oxford

Organised by Laura Wright

In the June of 1520, Henry VIII offered (and received) a show of splendour in negotiations with Francis I at the Field of the Cloth of Gold, which earned its name from the glittering materials on display. With that mixture of pomp and power in mind, join us for a one-day symposium which will explore the performance history of Fletcher and Shakespeare’s rarely performed, but famously lavish, Henry VIII or All is True. Accompanied by a performance of selections from the play by Creation Theatre, we will consider the extravagance of Henry VIII's stage directions, alongside the extravagance of its claim to historical truth. We are delighted to announce Professor Emma Smith as keynote speaker and invite 20-minute papers on a variety topics connected to the performance


'“The Passional of Christ and Antichrist”'

Organised by Edmund Wareham

This will be a launch event for a new translation and edition of the 1521 pamphlet “The Passional of Christ and Antichrist” in June 2020. The translation will be the third publication in the “Treasures of the Taylorian: Reformation Pamphlets” book series and will feature an introduction by the renowned German Reformation theologian Professor Ulrich Bubenheimer (Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg). The launch will be held at the end of Trinity Term 2020 in the Taylorian Library which will consist of a public lecture by Professor Bubenheimer, a relay-reading of the texts in German, and a series of presentations by Master Students of the projects they have undertaken for the Taylor Editions website.



'What is Collaboration?'

Organised by Laurie Maguire and Emma Smith

Abstract: “This is a fact-finding symposium to explore the expertise and established practice of disciplines beyond English studies. We are keen to know more about how collaboration is viewed historically in different disciplines e.g. art history (school of, studio of), music (Mozart’s Requiem not Mozart’s and Süssmayr’s), the sciences (first author, last author), and politics (where collaborators are traitors). Our invited speakers will also explore how these disciplinary understandings inform the practical work of collaboration in today’s academy. Is collaborative scholarly work always marked by necessity (the incapacity of the original author) or convenience (demands of time or specialism) or hierarchy (the graduate gopher whose authorship is often erased in the final output)? We want to find and develop new, reciprocal models that identify collaboration as desirable and enriching, rather than contingent and potentially exploitative – and to create a network of experts who can help to codify these models so that funding councils and REF assessments take proper account of collaborative academic labour.”