Hilary 2022
Convenors: Margaret Bent and Matthew Thomson
Time: Thursdays, [Weeks 2, 5, 8,], 5pm
Venue: Online. Zoom
The seminars in 2021-22 will continue on Zoom. The seminars are all on Thursdays at 5 p.m. UK time (GMT). The first (individual) presentation will be about half an hour, followed by invited discussants who will engage the speaker in conversation about the paper. The two joint presentations will have no additional discussants. In all cases, the floor will be opened for comments and questions by others after about an hour. This mailing comes to you from our colleague Dr Matthew Thomson, who expertly hosts the Zoom meetings, as set out below. We hope you will join us.
If you are planning to attend a seminar this term, please register using this form. For each seminar, those who have registered will receive an email with the Zoom invitation and any further materials a couple of days before the seminar. If you have questions, please email matthew.thomson@ucd.ie
Week 2: Thursday 27th January, 5pm
Lachlan Hughes (University of Oxford): ‘Laude and Lyric Poetry in Dante’s Florence’
Discussants: Elena Abramov-Van Rijk (independent scholar, Jerusalem) and Blake Wilson (Dickinson College (PA))
Abstract: The lauda, a form of vernacular song which flourished in the Marian confraternities of thirteenth- and fourteenth-century Italy, has much in common with the lyric poetry written by Dante and his peers: the adoption of the ballata form, the development of a religiously inflected poetics of praise, the elevation of the vernacular, etc. Despite having much in common, however, the two traditions have typically been read as unrelated, in no small part due to an entrenched critical narrative, perpetuated by literary scholars and musicologists alike, which sees the poetry of medieval Italy as essentially ‘divorced’ from any possible musical execution, in stark contrast to the hybrid model of the troubadours. If the medieval Italian poetic tradition is characterised by a conspicuous absence of (notated) music, then the lauda, preserved in the earliest extant collections of musically notated Italian poetry, seemingly has no place in it.
This paper will begin by exploring the origins, consequences, and limitations of such a critical framing, drawing on a historical overview of early (and largely unsuccessful) efforts at assembling a corpus of laude, beginning in the late nineteenth century. It will then present the principal musical sources of the thirteenth- and early fourteenth-century lauda and reflect on their problems and possibilities, before moving to a consideration of what might be gained by reading the secular poetry of Dante and his peers against the contemporary tradition of the lauda. In a broader sense, the paper will also reflect on the advantages of reading a single repertoire through different disciplinary lenses, and what this might tell us about the scholarly traditions in which we work.
Week 5: Thursday 17th February, 5pm
Antonio Calvia (Università di Pavia) and Anne Stone (CUNY Graduate Center): ‘Two Fragments, One Manuscript: Introducing a Newly-Discovered Italian Source of Ars Nova Polyphony’
Abstract: In 2019 and 2020 two largely intact parchment bifolios containing Ars nova polyphony were found independently in Milan-area libraries: one at the Biblioteca Universitaria in Pavia by Giuseppe Mascherpa (independent scholar) and Federico Saviotti (University of Pavia) and the other at the Biblioteca Trivulziana in Milan by Anne Stone. In May 2021, Saviotti, Stone, and Antonio Calvia realized that the two bifolios belonged to the same original manuscript, and began a joint project to study them together. This talk presents findings from our initial research into the origins, provenance, and contents of the “Codice San Fedele-Belgioioso,” a compilation of mass ordinary movements and secular songs whose internal evidence points strongly to a provenance in the Milan area c. 1400. The 12 compositions that survive appear to be unica: three mass ordinary compositions and nine French-texted songs with two surviving voices. The measurements of these bifolios (approximately 465x620 mm, with a page size of approximately 465 mm tall and 310 wide) are larger than any surviving manuscripts of polyphony contemporary with them, and the quality of the parchment and the elegance of the hand make it clear that the manuscript was professionally copied for an institution that had considerable resources. These finds thus have the potential to significantly expand our scanty knowledge of cultivated polyphony in late medieval Lombardy.
Week 8: Thursday 10th March, 5pm
John Milsom (Liverpool Hope University) and Jessie Ann Owens (University of California at Davis): ‘Thomas Morley’s A plaine and easie introduction to practicall musicke (London, 1597): new observations and discoveries’
Abstract: As we complete our research into England’s first major printed music treatise, we take this opportunity to share our current thoughts about Morley’s A plaine and easie introduction, and explain our strategy for publication. Underlying our work is a focus on ‘making’ – the processes of making a manuscript for the printer, and of making a printed book from that manuscript. Morley’s manuscript does not survive, so must be inferred from the finished book; but an investigation of its text does draw us into the materiality of his working methods, as he ‘tombles and tosses’ his various sources, whether acknowledged or not, and transforms them both to reflect his own understanding and priorities, and to make them conform to his design and purpose. The identification of Morley’s extensive ‘library’ of sources reveals a complex and multi-layered text, created in part from pre-existing materials and in part from his own experience and training as a musician. His distinctive voice emerges from the tantalizing accounts of musical practice evident in action verbs like foist, shift, stir, hang. Our investigation of the 1597 edition itself – the book qua book – has led to unexpected discoveries. We now believe that Morley, quite exceptionally, may have devised his treatise largely as a sequence of double-page spreads, and hence composed its literary content, music examples, tables and diagrams to fit into two-page openings. If our theory is correct, then layout is in effect an integral element of Morley’s text: pedagogy and design proceed hand in hand. Initially we had planned to publish a three-volume study in which our new edition of Morley’s text (vol. 1) is accompanied by a critical apparatus (vol. 2) and a set of essays by a distinguished cohort of musicologists (vol. 3). Our approach, however, has been transformed by the decision to add a full colour facsimile of a copy of the 1597 edition itself (vol. 4), allowing the book’s remarkable properties to be fully savoured and appreciated.
Convenors: Dmitri Levitin and Noel Malcom
Time: Wednesdays, [Weeks], 5-7pm.
Venue: Week 1 Zoom; Weeks 2-8 provisionally in person.
As always, this year’s iteration of the Seminar in Early Modern Intellectual History will consist of papers on a wide range of subjects: philosophy, science, scholarship, religion, politics, and the social setting of early modern intellectual life.
Due to the continued difficulties posed by the pandemic, at least one session will have to be held via Zoom. The rest are currently planned to be held in person, in the Hovenden Room, at All Souls College. Access is via the entrance to the College on the High Street – please ask at the porter’s lodge for further directions, or consult the information on the All Souls Website. Any changes to the programme will be posted on the Events page of the Oxford Centre for Intellectual History.
All sessions will be held on Wednesdays, 5–7pm UK time. As the first session will be on Zoom, we ask that you register here by 12pm on the day before if you would like to attend. A link will then be sent out before the session. From then on, the email list will be used to provide any changes to the programme. You can unsubscribe at any time.
Week 1: Wednesday 19th January, 5-7pm. Zoom.
Christoph Lüthy, (Radboud University): ‘Where is the Mechanic? Agency in the Age of the Mechanical Philosophy’.
Week 2: Wednesday 26th January, 5-7pm
Simon Mills, (University of Newcastle): ‘Jean Gagnier: An Eighteenth-Century Oxford
Arabist and “Enlightened” Views of Islam’.
Week 3: Wednesday 2nd February, 5-7pm
Sophie Aldred, (Oxford): ‘Reason, Reading and Religion: Lord Robartes and the
Restoration Church’
Week 4: Wednesday 9th February, 5-7pm
Deni Kasa, (Oxford): ‘Why Milton Rejected the Trinity: Education and Community in Paradise Lost’
Week 5: Wednesday 16th February, 5-7pm
Ingrid de Smet, (University of Warwick): ‘The Seal of Secrecy, the Seal of Confession: A Renaissance Problem?’
Week 6: Wednesday 23rd February, 5-7pm
Dániel Margócsy, (University of Cambridge): ‘Worms: the Nature of Ships and the
Nature of Humans in Early Modernity’
Week 7: Wednesday 2nd March, 5-7pm
Lodi Nauta, (University of Groningen): ‘Boyle and Locke on Natural Kinds’
Week 8: Wednesday 9th March, 5-7pm
Claire Crignon, (Université Paris-Sorbonne): ‘What is at Stake in a Natural History of the
Air? Ways of Knowing and Ways of Believing’
Convenors: Sophie Aldred and Alex Beeton
Time: Monday, [1,3,5 and 7], 5pm
Venue: Teams. For meeting invite please email britaininrevolution@gmail.com .
Week 1: Monday 17th January, 5pm
Dr Joel Halcomb, (University of East Anglia): ‘Despiteful names, disreputable churches, and denominational formation in the "puritan" revolution'
Week 3: Monday 31st January, 5pm
Professor Ann Hughes, (Keele University): ‘Nehemiah Wallington reads the news, 1645-7'
Week 5: Monday 14th February, 5pm
Dr Jon Parkin, (University of Oxford): ‘Leviathan and the Defence of the King’
Week 7: Monday 28th February, 5pm
Professor Nicholas McDowell, (University of Exeter): ‘John Milton, Oliver Cromwell and Virtue Politics’
Convenors: Ian Archer, Alexandra Gajda, Steven Gunn and Lucy Wooding
Time: Thursdays at 5pm.
Venue: On Teams weeks 1-4. For meeting invite please email ian.archer@history.ox.ac.uk. Provisionally in person from Weeks 5-8.
Week 1: Thursday 20th January, 5pm
Prof. Paulina Kewes, (Jesus College): ‘Parliaments in Early Modern Europe’s Political Imagination’
Dr Paul Seward, (History of Parliament): ‘Parliaments in Early Modern Europe’s Political Culture’
Paul Seaward, ‘Why the History of Parliament Has Not Been Written’, Parliamentary History, 40 (2021), 5-24; Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger, The Emperor’s Old Clothes: Constitutional History and the Symbolic Language of the Holy Roman Empire, trans. Thomas Dunlap (2015), Introduction; Paulina Kewes, Dorota Pietrzyk-Reeves, and Paul Seaward, ‘Recovering Europe’s Parliamentary Culture, 1500-1700’ and other blogs in the series.
Week 2: Thursday 27th January, 5pm
Dr Sadie Jarrett, (Queen’s College): ‘“Learning the arte of piracy”: The Welsh Gentry and early modern British Expansionism’
A.H. Dodd, ‘Wales and Ireland from reformation to revolution’, in Studies in Stuart Wales (1952), 76-109; Paul Hammer, ‘A Welshman Abroad: Captain Peter Wynn of Jamestown’, Parergon, 16 (1998), 59–92.
Week 3: Thursday 3rd February, 5pm
Alex Beeton, (New College): ‘“Tempora mutantur”: Royalists in Places of Education during the Rump Parliament'
J. Twigg, The University of Cambridge and the English Revolution, 1625-1688 (1990), 103-205; W.A.L. Vincent, The State and School Education, 1640-1660, in England and Wales: a survey based on printed sources (London, 1950); B. Worden, ‘Politics, Piety, and Learning: Cromwellian Oxford’, in his God’s Instruments, Political Conduct in the England of Oliver Cromwell (2012), 91-193.
Hannah Lee (St Edmund Hall): ‘The Readmission of the Jews and the Power of the Civil Magistrate in the 1650s’
Andrew Crome, ‘English national identity and the readmission of the Jews, 1650–1656’, Journal of Ecclesiastical History 66 (2015), 280–301; Eliane Glaser, ‘Reasons … theological, political, and mixt of both: A reconsideration of the “readmission” of the Jews to England,’ Reformation 9 (2004), 173-203.
Week 4: Thursday 10th February, 5pm
Professor Peter Lake, (Vanderbilt University): ‘“A late and sad example”: Issues of Peace and War, and the Political Life, on the Caroline Stage’.
Week 5: Thursday 17th February, 5pm
Aude de Mézerac-Zanetti, (Université de Lille): ‘New Heuristic Approaches to the Liturgy: Changing Worship Practices in the reign of Henry VIII’
Week 6: Thursday 24th February, 5pm
Sophie Aldred, (Worcester College): ‘”Justifying the Gospel Ministry” – Lord Robartes on Preaching, Ordination, and the Restoration Settlement’
A. Milton, England’s Second Reformation, The Battle for the Church of England, 1625-1662 (2021).
Christopher Barbour-Mercer, (St Catherine’s College): ' “A commonwealth is not fit for us, because we are not fit for a commonwealth”: Trimming and Republicanism in the Restoration Crisis ’
Jonathan Scott, Algernon Sidney and the Restoration Crisis, 1677-1683 (1991), ch. 7; Andrew Mansfield, ‘The First Earl of Shaftesbury’s Resolute Conscience and Aristocratic Constitutionalism’, Historical Journal (in press, 2021); Gaby Mahlberg, Henry Neville and English Republican Culture in the seventeenth century: dreaming of another game (2009), ch. 1.
Week 7: Thursday 3rd March, 5pm
Catherine Jenkinson, (Lincoln College): ‘Prisoners and Religion in the Tower of London, 1547-1625’
Peter Lake and Michael Questier, ‘Prisons, Priests and People’, in Nicholas Tyacke (ed.), England’s Long Reformation, 1500-1800 (London, 1998), pp. 195-233; John H. Langbein, Torture and the Law of Proof: Europe and England in the Ancien Régime (Chicago, 1977).
Ellen Paterson, (Lincoln College): ‘A Land So Distressed Without War’: Economic Crisis, the Commission for Trade, and Anti-Monopoly Petitioning c. 1622-1624’
B. Supple, Commercial crisis and change in England 1600-1624 (1959), chs. 3-4; T. Leng, Fellowship and freedom: the Merchant Adventurers and the restructuring of English commerce, 1582-1700 (2020), ch. 6.
Week 8: Thursday 10th March, 5pm
DPhil Student Transfer of Status presentations
Convenors: Emma Smith, Katie Murphy, Lorna Hutson, Joe Moshenska
Time: Tuesday, [Weeks 1, 3, 5, and 7], 5.15-7.15pm
Venue: Weeks 1, & 3 on Zoom, 5.15 GMT. For link please email CEMS Research Co-Ordinator leah.veronese-clucas@balliol.ox.ac.uk. Weeks 5 & 7, T. S. Eliot Lecture Theatre, Merton.
Week 1: Tuesday 18th January, 5.15-7.15pm, Zoom
Esther Osorio Whewell, (Corpus, Oxford): 'Play the whole thing backwards: Radio Nashe’
Abstract: When readers have complained or enthused, in variations, that Thomas Nashe is all style and no substance, have they meant, ‘it’s all noise’ , or, ‘it’s so noisy I can’t concentrate’? Something else entirely? This paper will approach Nashe’s noisiness by double roundabout way of Lisa Samuels and Jerome McGann’s ‘deformative criticism’, and BBC radio sound effects in the mid-20th century—in third programme broadcasts made in the early days of the Radiophonic Workshop, writing by radio pioneer Lance Sieveking in the years before the Workshop, and gags by The Goon Show around the edges of it. Radio sound effects are a different way of reading Nashe’s obstructive and distorting forms of keeping going, if not necessarily a way of discovering anything about them we didn’t already know. Is there any point in this? Is it allowed?
Week 3: 1st February, 5.15-7.15pm, Zoom
Curtis Perry (University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign) and Lorna Hutson (Merton, Oxford): ‘Seneca, rhetoric, and the writing of character in early modern English drama’
C. Perry, ‘Shakespeare and the Resources of Senecan Tragedy’, Shakespeare and Senecan Tragedy, (Cambridge, 2021), 1-36.
L. Hutson, ‘Introduction’, Circumstantial Shakespeare, 1-35.
Abstract: In his new book, Shakespeare and Senecan Tragedy (2020), Curtis Perry proposes that “instead of reading Senecan drama as failed realistic mimesis . . . we should read it as a form of tragedy that experiments self-consciously with the relation between rhetoric and character”. Lorna Hutson has also argued (in Circumstantial Shakespeare) against the tendency of Shakespeare criticism to treat rhetoric and classical form as obstacles to be overcome in pursuit of artistic freedom. In this session, Lorna Hutson will engage Curtis Perry in conversation exploring the formal and rhetorical underpinnings of early modern dramatic character. The conversation will address how we might rethink rhetoric generally, and Seneca’s rhetoric in particular, as a resource of Shakespearean experimentation in the creation of dramatic characters and imagined worlds’.
Week 5: 15th February, 5.15pm-7.15pm
Race and Drama, East and West: Interdisciplinary Roundtable Session
Simon Park (Medieval and Modern Languages - Portuguese, Oxford ) ’Talking Race in Gil Vicente’
Nandini Das (English, Oxford) ‘Middleton's Triumph of Honour and Industry: Race and Trade in English civic performance’
Ewan McDonald (Oriental Studies - Chinese, Oxford) ‘Sailing the Western Oceans- Encountering the Other in a Seventeenth Century Chinese Court Drama’
Week 7: Tuesday 1st March, 5.15-7.15pm
Brian Cummings, (York) ‘Erasmus on Trust’
Abstract: Today, we say, there is a crisis of trust. In the USA this is often expressed in biblical terms. Yet the question of trust in the text embodied in the Bible is compounded by the presence of words for ‘trust’ within that text. In 1516, Erasmus printed a Greek text of the New Testament which only makes the question more problematic. The word Πίστις is translated by the Latin word fides both in the Vulgate and in Erasmus’ independent translation of 1519. Yet as Erasmus explains, the verb πιστεύω means something distinctive, something perhaps more easily conveyed in English by ‘trust’ than ‘faith’. In Greek, to ‘trust’ something is an instinctive confirmation of what is known by experience or evidence: we cannot make ourselves trust something that is ‘untrustworthy’ or that we do not understand. While this is a distinctively sixteenth-century problem, it is also perhaps the crisis of the twenty-first. This paper will discuss Erasmus’ philology of Πίστις as a way into the epistemology of deciding how to believe and how to doubt, in his time and in ours.
Convenors: Victoria Fallanca, Raphaële Garrod and Alice Rouillere.
Time: Thursday, [Weeks 1, 3,5 & 7], 5.30-7pm
Venue: Maison Française d’Oxford
Week 1: Thursday 20th January, 5.30-7pm
Richard Cooper (St. Benet's Hall) presents his edition of Les Tombeaux de Marguerite de Navarre.
Week 3: Thursday 3rd February, 5.30-7pm
Hannah Williams (Queen Mary University of London): tile tbc.
Week 5: Thursday 17th February, 5.30-7pm
Early Modern Seminar Social
Week 7: Thursday 3rd March, 5.30-7pm
Nathalie Jeter, (Queen's College): ‘"Ces histoires trop vraies": Materiality, memory & metis in Huguenot escape tales’
Eli Bernstein, (Jesus College): ‘Thinking with ‘Judgment’ in Sixteenth-Century France’
Raphaëlle Errera, (Magdalen College): 'Writing literary history and criticism in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century fiction'
Convenors: Johannes Dillinger, Barbara Eichner, Lyndal Roper, Edmund Wareham, Róisín Watson
Time: Wednesday, [2, 4, 6 & 8], 2-3.30pm
Venue: Online. For invite please email edmund.wareham@stb.ox.ac.uk
Week 2: Wednesday 26th January, 2-3.30pm
Susan Foister, (National Gallery): ‘Curating Dürer's Journeys: Travels of a Renaissance Artist’
Week 4: Wednesday 9th February, 2-3.30pm
Morgan Golf-French, (Oxford): ‘Textbooks and the Teaching of "Race" in the German Enlightenment’
Week 6: Wednesday 6th February, 2-3.30pm
Richard Calis, (Cambridge): ‘Being Lutheran in the Early Modern Middle East: Accommodation, Dissimulation, and Non-Conformity’
Week 8: Wednesday 9th March, 2-30pm
Tanya Kevorkian, (Millersville): ‘Music and Urban Life in Baroque Germany’
Convenors: Ros Ballaster, Christine Gerrard, Katie Noble, Nicole Pohl, David Taylor, Ben Wilkinson-Turnball, Abby Williams
Time: Tuesday, [Weeks 2, 6, and 8], 5.30-7pm*. Please note different time in Week 6.
Venue: Weeks 2 and 6 held at Joseph Hotung Auditorium, Mansfield College. Week 8 will be on Zoom (details for sign up will be posted @EngFac18thC)

Week 2: Tuesday 25th January, 5.30-7pm
Anne Thell, (National University of Singapore): ‘Art and Evanescence in Anson’s Voyage Round the World (1748).’
Week 6: Tuesday 22nd February, *12.30-2pm
‘Talking Things: Introducing research with eighteenth-century objects’
In-house workshop with 5-minute flash talks by Abigail Williams, Nicole Pohl, Lucy Powell, Xiaofan Wu, Madeleine Saidenberg, Katie Noble, Ben Wilkinson-Turnbull, Helen Dallas.
Respondent: Dr Jim Harris (Ashmolean)
Week 8: Tuesday 8th March, 5.30pm, Zoom.
Kate Ozment, (Cal Poly Polomo, USA): ‘The Marks of Character: Commodification of Difference in Eighteenth-Century British Print’
Convenors: Jenyth Evans and John Colley
Time: Thursday, [Weeks 1-8], 4pm.
Venue: St Edmund Hall. For more details, and to join the GLARE mailing list,
please email jenyth.evans@seh.ox.ac.uk and john.colley@jesus.ox.ac.uk
Week 1: Thursday 20th January, 4pm
Statius, Thebaid, Book 8, lines 456–96.
Week 2: Thursday 27th January, 4pm
Demosthenes, Against Meidias, sections 1–6.
Week 3: Thursday 3rd February, 4pm
Ovid, Ex Ponto, 1.3, lines 1–60 (‘Hanc tibi Naso tuus mittit … spicula missa manu’)
Week 4: Thursday 10th February, 4pm
Lysias, On the murder of Eratosthenes, sections 1–8 (‘Περὶ πολλοῦ ἂν ποιησαίμην … προσφέρων ἀπώλεσεν αὐτήν’)
Week 5: Thursday 17th February, 4pm
Cicero, In Verrem I, section 2 (‘Equidem ut de me confitear … meum tempus obsideret’)
Week 6: Thursday 24th February, 4pm
Aristophanes, Clouds, lines 1-38
Week 7: Thursday 3rd March, 4pm
Cicero, In Verrem I, section 12 (‘Verum illud quod institueram dicere … ab hoc scelere nefario’)
Week 8: Thursday 10th March, 4pm
Aristophanes, Clouds, lines 223-75
Convenors: Perry Gauci (Lincoln), O. Cox (TORCH) , H. Smith (St Hilda's) , B. Harris (Worcester)
Time: Tuesdays, Tea from 4pm for a 4.15pm start.
Venue: Hybrid. Except, please note Week 5 is online only.
In person: Lincoln College, Beckington Room.
Online: Teams. Please email perry.gauci@lincoln.ox.ac.uk for meeting invite or to be added to the mailing list.
Week 1: Tuesday 18th January, 4.15pm
Joanna Innes, (Somerville): ‘Re-imagining Democracy in the Age of Revolutions Part Three: Latin America and the Caribbean’
Week 2: Tuesday 25th January, 4.15pm
Sally Holloway, (Oxford Brookes): ‘The Foods of Love? Food Gifts, Courtship, and Emotions in Eighteenth-Century England’
Week 3: Tuesday 1st February, 4.15pm
Eleanor Bland, (Oxford Brookes): ‘Policing Suspicion: Proactive Policing in London, 1780-1850’
Week 4: Tuesday 8th February, 41.5pm
James Lees, (Trinity): ‘Forest Surveys and the State in the English Atlantic, c.1600-1800’
*Week 5: Tuesday 15th February, 4.15pm, Zoom
Natasha Glaisyer, (York): ‘ "By a Mistake it was published in the last Gazette": Printing Errors in the London Gazette’
Week 6: Tuesday 22nd February, 4.15pm
Stephen Hague, (Rowan, NJ): ‘The Long S-shaped Shadow of the Long Eighteenth Century’
Week 7: Tuesday 1st March, 4.15pm
Gordon Fairclough, (Lincoln): ‘The Commercial Gentleman’s House in the English Lakes Counties, c.1750-1830’
Week 8: Tuesday 8th March, 4.15pm
Dominic Ingram, (College of Arms): ‘Heralds and Heraldry at the College of Arms’
Time: Thursday, [Weeks 1, 4, 6, 8]
Week 1: Thursday 20th January, 5.15pm, Weston Library Lecture Theatre
Chiara Betti, (SAS: Institute of English Studies/Bodleian): New research on Richard Rawlinson’s copper plates: from the engraver’s shop to the printed paper
Week 4: Thursday 10th February, 5.30pm, Balliol Historical Collections Centre – St Cross Church
Hannah Ryley (Balliol College): ‘Re-using manuscripts in late Medieval England’
Week 6: Thursday 24th February, 12.30pm, Weston Library Lecture Theatre
Nicole Gilroy, (Bodleian): ‘Loose threads: an interdisciplinary approach to the conservation of textiles in library collections’
Week 8: Thursday 10th March 2022, 5.15pm, Lincoln College – Oakeshott Room
Phillip Errington, (Peter Harrington Books): Harry Potter and the descriptive bibliography