Stephen Harrison and Giancarlo Abbamonte, Making and Rethinking the Renaissance (Berlin, 2019)
—— joint ed. with Colin Burrow, Martin McLaughlin and Elisabetta Tarantino] Imitative Series and Clusters from Classical to Early Modern Literature (Berlin, 2020)
Maria Czepiel, ‘Two Newly Discovered Poems by Garcilaso de la Vega’, Bulletin of Spanish Studies (forthcoming)
——‘“El canto y lira mía”: The Horatian authorial persona in the work of Fray Luis de León’, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 99:6 (2022), 527–43
—— ‘Garcilaso’s “Sedes ad cyprias”: a new source and a re-appraisal’, Bulletin of Spanish Studies 96:5 (2019), 737–54
Leah Clark, Courtly Mediators: Transcultural Objects Between Renaissance Italy and the Islamic World (Cambridge, 2023)
——Co-editor with Katherine Wilson, Mobility of Objects Across Boundaries 1000-1700 (Liverpool, 2022)
—— Collecting Art in the Italian Renaissance Court: Objects and Exchanges (Cambridge, 2018)
—— Co-editor with Kathleen Christian. European Art and the Wider World 1350-1550 (Book 1, Art and Its Global Histories). (Manchester, 2017).
Colin Burrow, Imitating Authors: Pato to Futurity (Oxford, 2019)
—— Shakespeare and Classical Antiquity (Oxford, 2013)
Valerie Worth-Stylianou, Agrippa d'Aubigné's Les tragiques (Temple, AZ., 2020)
Lauren Woking, The Making of an Imperial Polity: Civility and America in the Jacobean Metropolis (Cambridge, 2020)
Elizabeth Clarke, David Norbrook and Jane Stevenson eds., The Works of Lucy Hutchinson, Volume II: Theological Writings and Translations (Oxford, 2018)
Dmitri Levitin, Ancient Wisdom in the Age of the New Science: Histories of Philosophy in England, c. 1640-1700 (Cambridge, 2017)
Kirsten Macfarlane, Biblical Scholarship in an Age of Controversy (Oxford, 2021)