Trinity 2020
Tuesdays in even weeks | Zoom
Dr Bonnie Lander-Johnson, (Newham College, Cambridge):
‘Shakespeare and Eden: Botanical Nature and the Book of Nature in Cymbeline‘
Tuesday, 5 May 2020, 8pm BST / 3pm EST
To book your place, visit the webpage
Dr Andrew Moran (University of Dallas, Texas):
‘Natural and Supernatural Happiness in The Taming of the Shrew‘
Tuesday, 19 May 2020, 11:00 -12:00 p.m. EDT
To book your place, visit the webpage
Molly Clark (DPhil candidate, Merton College, Oxford):
‘Shakespeare and the Morality Plays: a Formal Heritage’
Tuesday, 2 June 2020, 11:00 -12:00 p.m. EDT
To book your place, visit the webpage
Prof John Drakakis (University of Stirling):
"Putting Religion to the Question: Political Theology in Shakespeare's Second Tetralogy and Venetian Plays"
Tuesday 16 June 2020, 11:00 -12:00 p.m. EDT
To book your place, visit the webpage
Renaissance Imitatio: Colin Burrow, Kathy Eden and Brian Cummings in conversation’
Tuesday 26 May, 17.15-19.15, via Teams | see attached poster
Professor Colin Burrow, All Souls, Oxford, will join Kathy Eden, Chavkin Family Professor of English and Professor of Classics at Columbia University, and Brian Cummings, Anniversary Professor of English and Related Literature at York, to discuss recent and forthcoming publications on the imitation of classical literature in the Renaissance.
Please sign up for this seminar by emailing Fraser Buchanan, CEMs research-coordinator, by 15 May.
You’ll receive copies of the reading and be invited to the meeting.
Colin Burrow, Imitating Authors: Plato to Futurity (Oxford, 2019) ch. 6, pp. 206-234. (on SOLO).
Brian Cummings’ ‘A Life of Learning: Erasmus’s Literary and Educational Writings’, Brill Companion to Erasmus (forthcoming)
Kathy Eden, Chapter One, Rhetorical Renaissance: The Mistress Art and her Masterworks (work-in-progress)’
All welcome.
Lorna Hutson and Katie Murphy.
‘Hot off the Press: Discussion Group on Recent Renaissance Criticism’
9th June (Tuesday of 7th week), 17.15-19.15, Zoom
Many online seminars don’t offer much opportunity for attendees – especially graduates -- to engage in group discussion. This seminar, focused on shared reading, gives you a change to reflect on you own critical writing and argument presentation by considering very recent published criticism. Don’t worry too much if you don’t get time to do all the reading; by all means come along and listen.
Jennifer Richards’s Voices and Books in the English Renaissance: A New History of Reading (Oxford, 2020), ch. 3, ‘The Voice in the Church’, pp. 130-181 (available through SOLO)
Alex Davis’s Imagining Inheritance from Chaucer to Shakespeare (Oxford, 2020), ch. 1 ‘ “A very perfect form of a will”: The Fictional Testament’, pp.21-56 (available through SOLO)
All are welcome! Zoom log-in details here:
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 944 8239 6412
Password: 346040
All are welcome, including undergraduates. Seminars will take place via zoom. Please email for instructions for joining the meeting.
Monday 4th May, 12:00pm BST
Professor Tracey Hill (Bath Spa):
‘Civic London, 1558-1642’
Monday 11th May, 12:00pm BST
Professor Alec Ryrie (Durham/Gresham College):
'Seeking the Seekers in the English Revolution'
Monday 1 June, 5.15pm
Arthur Williamson
‘Britain Refounded: Competing Visions, 1527-1567’
Monday 8th of June, 5.15pm
Matthew Woodcock
‘Robert Barret: Early Modern Soldier-Author and Poet Historical’
The Oxford Renaissance Online Seminar (OROS) is a temporary online seminar series designed to allow scholars of early modern literature to share and hear new research with a global audience. The series will run from mid-May to mid-September, a period in which conferences and seminars have evaporated from view due to the coronavirus pandemic. Talks in the series will range across the authors, forms and genres of the early modern period, will be given both by established and emerging scholars in the field, from a panoply of academic institutions, and will vary from formal academic papers to more general and informal discussions of a speaker’s current research.
The OROS is run from St Anne’s College, Oxford, where it is convened by Dr Robert Stagg (please direct any enquiries to Talks will be screened through the St Anne’s College, Oxford Facebook page: see below for details of how to watch and ask questions of our speakers.
The OROS will take place every Wednesday at 8pm UK time.
Wed 13th May – Simon Palfrey (Oxford), ‘Blowing up The Faerie Queene‘
Wed 20th May – Two Early Modern Performance Spaces: Harry McCarthy (Exeter), ‘Bowling at Blackfriars: Sport and Jacobean Performance’, and José A. Pérez Díez (Leeds), ‘The “playhouse” at St Paul’s: What We Know of the Theatre in the Almonry’
Wed 27th May – Danielle Clarke (UCD), ‘A Seventeenth-Century Irish Woman and her Recipe Book’
Wed 3rd June – Eoin Price (Swansea), ‘Philip Massinger and the Dearth of the Author’
Wed 10th June – Andrew Bozio (Skidmore), ‘Timur the Lame: Marlowe, Disability, and Form’
Wed 17th June – James Loxley (Edinburgh), ‘Work, Working, Works: Ben Jonson and Labour’
Wed 24th June – Erin McCarthy (Newcastle, Aus), ‘Attribution, Ascription, and Women’s Writing in Manuscript Miscellanies’
Wed 1st July – Cathy Shrank (Sheffield), ‘Civil Conversations’
Wed 8th July – Richard Schoch (QUB), ‘Performing Restoration Shakespeare’
Wed 15th July – Farah Karim-Cooper (Globe), ‘Shakespeare, Race and Performance’
Wed 22nd July – James Kuzner (Brown), ‘The Form of Love: Poetry’s Quarrel with Philosophy’
Wed 29th July – Maria S. Mendes (Lisbon), “Praise with Purpose: Shakespeare and Flattery”
Wed 5th August – Varsha Panjwani (Boston), ‘Subverting Shakespeare in Bollywood Subtitling’
Wed 12th August – Jyotsna Singh (MSU), ‘European-Muslim Encounters in Mughal Cities, 1580-1620’
Wed 19th August – Douglas Clark (Manchester), ‘Cogitative Flow: Early Modern Thinking and the Blue Humanities’
Wed 26th August – Holger Syme (Toronto), ‘What’s Berlin to Shakespeare, or Shakespeare to Berlin?’
Wed 2nd Sept – Adrian Streete (Glasgow), ‘Laughter and Religious Dissent in Early Modern English Literary Culture’
Wed 9th Sept – Margaret Tudeau-Clayton (Neuchâtel), ‘“The naturall constitution of the People of England”: Aristotle’s Theory of Ethnic Character in Early Modern England’
Wed 16th Sept – Ambereen Dadabhoy (HMC), ‘“Othello was a lie”: Shakespeare and Race’
Wed 23rd Sept – Lucía Martínez Valdivia (Reed), ‘Early Modern Audiation: Impossible Sound in English Verse’
As we won't be able to run the Religion in Early Modern Britain seminar in its usual format, we thought we might instead have a series of online conversations and discussions on Thursdays in even weeks, from 5-6ish. We can host them on Teams, and we thought each session might include a couple of short papers (say 10-15 mins) followed by a discussion. These could be based on your research, or a book review, or think-piece on a relevant topic... Anyone willing to volunteer something is invited to write to and Sarah will pull together a programme. Suggestions of panels from 2-4 people would be especially welcome.
If you would like to come to the seminars, you will need a email 'invitation' so please let me know and in 0th week I will send out details to everyone.
Best wishes,
Judith Maltby, Kirsten Macfarlane, Diarmaid MacCulloch, Sarah Mortimer, Grant Tapsell
All welcome. Please register in advance for the seminars using the links provided. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meetings.
Tuesday 5 May, 12.30-1.45pm
Prof. Gillian Russell (University of York):
'Thoughts towards a Literary History of the Handbill: Fugitive/Ephemeral Mediality around 1800'
Tuesday 19 May, 5.30-7.00pm
Prof. Tita Chico (University of Maryland):
In conversation with Dr. David Taylor
Tuesday 6 June, 5.30-7.00pm
Prof. Abigail Williams (Oxford):
'Reading it Wrong: Misunderstanding and Befuddlement in Eighteenth-Century Print Culture'
Prof. Christine Gerrard (Oxford):
''Secrets and Lies': Swift's Hidden Histories of Queen Anne'

Thursday 28 May, 17:00-18:15
Plymouth 400th Anniversary Roundtable Sponsored by the Rothermere American Institute
Peter Mancall (University of Southern California / Harmsworth Professor, The Queen's College, Oxford)
Jo Loosemore (Mayflower 400 programme and The Box, Plymouth, UK)
Jim Harris (Ashmolean Museum)
Chaired by Adam Smith (University College and the Rothermere American Institute, Oxford)
This event is open to all. For details of video link, please email
Tuesday 9th June 2020, 7:15pm (UK time)
Shakespeare's Blank Verse: An Alternative History
Dr Robert Stagg (University of Oxford)
*Please note slightly revised start time above*
As part of the 'St Anne's College, Oxford Online' series, Dr Robert Stagg will be giving a non-specialist, informal introduction to his research on Shakespeare and blank verse. There will be an opportunity to ask questions.
This event will be viewable live on the St Anne's College, Oxford facebook page: