Trinity 2023

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Convenor: Hanna Sinclair

Venue: Memorial Room, Jesus College. With the exception of week 3.


Week 1: Monday 24 April, 4.30pm. 

‘Queens as Co-rulers: Examining Power Sharing and Ruling Partnerships in the Early Modern World’

Speaker: Ellie Woodacre (University of Winchester)


Week 3: Tuesday 9 May, 4.30pm. Please note that this seminar will take place in the Ship Street Centre, Jesus College.

‘Alternatives to Royal Patronage: The Court Culture of the “Spare” in the Monarchy of France, 1575-1792’

Speaker: Jonathan Spangler (Manchester Metropolitan University)


Week 5: Monday 22 May, 4.30pm.

‘Pledging Fealty in Seventeenth-century Italy: an ambasciata d’obbedienza from the duke of Parma to Pope Clement X in 1671’

Speaker: John Condren (St. Hugh’s, Oxford)

Convenors: Sophie Aldred and Alex Beeton

Time: Mondays, weeks 1, 4, 5, & 7. 5.00-6.30pm.

Venue: Online only. Microsoft Teams. Please email for the link/to be added to the mailing list.


Week 1: Monday 24 April, 5pm.

''Rebells by their Trade'? Revisiting Clothmaking and Parliamentarianism'.

Speaker: Ed Legon (Queen Mary University of London)


Week 4: Monday 15 May, 5pm.

'Christopher Hill, the Crisis of Bourgeois Culture in the 1930s and the English Revolution'.

Speaker: Michael Braddick (University of Sheffield)


Week 5: Monday 22 May, 5pm.

'Recollection in the Republics: Memories of the British Civil Wars, 1649-1659'.

Speaker: Imogen Peck (University of Birmingham)


Week 7: Monday 5 June, 5pm.  

'Radical Reformers? The Advancement of Learning During the Puritan Revolution Revisited'.

Speaker: Mordechai Feingold (Caltech)


Convenors: Lorna Hutson, Joe Moshenska, Emma Smith, Bart van Es

Time: Tuesdays, weeks 1, 5, and 7. 5.15-7.15pm. 

Venue: T. S. Eliot Lecture Theatre, Merton College. Week 7 to take place online.


Week 1: Tuesday 25 April, 5.15pm.

'Sightscapes: Image and Text in Early Modern Women's Marginalia'.

Speaker: Ros Smith (Australia National University)


Week 5: Tuesday 23 May, 5.15pm.

'Shakespeare and University Drama in Early Modern England'.

Speaker: Dan Blank (Durham University).


Week 7: Tuesday 6 June, 3.30pm. 

‘Scripts of Blackness: Early Modern Performance Culture and the Making of Race'.

Speaker: Noémie Ndiaye (University of Chicago).

Please note that this seminar will be held on Teams, follow this link to join:


Convenors: Jessica Goodman, Raphaële Garrod and Alice Rouillere.

Time: Thursday, weeks 1, 3, 5, and 7. 5.15-7pm. Tea, coffee, and biscuits are served beforehand.

Venue: Maison française, Oxford.


Week 1: Thursday 27 April, 5.15pm.

ECR Roundtable. 'Foundations, Conversations, (Re-)Orientations: How the Early Modern French Seminar Shapes a Research Career'. 

Speakers: Jonathan Patterson, Gemma Tidmann, Marina Perkins, Luke O' Sullivan, Alice Roullière, Ruggero Sciutto, Anna-Lisa Nicholson.

Followed by drinks.


Week 3: Thursday 11 May, 5.15pm.

'Phénoménologie du temps (qu’il fait) dans les fictions de la première modernité'.

Speaker: Anne Duprat (Université de Picardie, Jules Verne)


Week 5: Thursday 25 May, 5.15pm.

'Letters of a Libertine, or, The Epistolary Tool-Kit of Hortense Mancini (1646-1699)'

Speaker: Annalisa Nicholson (The Queen's College, Oxford)


Week 7: Thursday 8 June, 5.15pm.

‘'Des impressions si durables, si profondes?’ Voltaire, an author in the dialogue des morts'

Speaker: Jessica Goodman (St Catherine's College, Oxford).

Convenors: Filippo de Vivo (St Edmund Hall), Federica Gigante (History of Science Museum), Giuseppe Marcocci (Exeter), Gervase Rosser (St Catherine's), Jane Stevens (Oxford Brookes), Emanuela Vai (Worcester)

Time: Odd weeks of term, 4.30pm. Usually Tuesdays (unless otherwise specified)

Venue: Old Dining Hall in St Edmund Hall, Queen's Lane (unless otherwise specified)


Trinity Term 2023 is devoted to the theme of minorities and diversity in early modern Italy.


Week 1: Tuesday 25 April, 4.30pm.

'Found and Lost: Race and Demography in Early Modern Foundling Care'.

Speaker: Nicholas Terpstra (Toronto)


Week 4: Wednesday 17 May, 4.30pm. Please note the change of day/ location: Rector's Drawing Room, Exeter College.

'Italian Renaissance and Iberian Diasporas (1492-1630)'.

Speaker: Stefania Pastore (Normale, Pisa).

**In conjunction with the Iberian History Seminar.**


Week 5: Tuesday 14 February, 4.30pm. 

'Foreigners practicing music in Eighteenth Century Rome: careers, accessibility and building reputations'.

Speaker: Élodie Oriol (Paris 8)


Week 7: Tuesday 6 June, 4.30pm.

'Differential experiences of enslavement in sixteenth-century Tuscany'.

Speaker: Kate Lowe (Warburg)

Convenors: Alex Laar and Flynn Allot

Time: Tuesdays of even weeks of term, 5.15pm.

Venue: Seminar Room B, English Faculty.


Please note that titles for papers in this series will be circulated via the Graduate Forum mailing list. To join, please email:

Seminar Leaders: Ros Ballaster, Christine Gerrard, Katie Noble, Nicole Pohl, David Taylor, Ben Wilkinson-Turnbull, Carly Watson, Abby Williams.

Time: Tuesdays of even weeks of term, 5.30pm. *Please note different time in week 4.

Venue: Seminar Room East, Mansfield College.


Week 2: Tuesday 2 May, 5.30pm. 

'Bernard Picart, the Image about Religion, and the Production of a New Truth Social'.

Speaker: Matthew Craske (Oxford Brookes)


Week 4: Tuesday 16 May. *Please note this seminar will take place at the earlier time of 12.30pm.

'Edward Gibbon and the limits of knowledge'.

Speaker: Jenny Davidson (Columbia)


Week 6: Tuesday 30 May, 5.30pm.

‘Child's play: staging 'The Woodcutter', Elizabeth Countess of Hardwicke's 1797 family theatrical’.

Speaker(s): Christine Gerrard, Jemima Hubberstey, Natasha Simonova, Eleanor Housden and Sylvie Knight.


Week 8: Tuesday 13 June, 5.30pm. 

'Salon Diplomacy and State Bankruptcy: Women’s Informal Diplomatic Spaces in Denmark-Norway during the Napoleonic Wars’.

Speaker: Kristine Dyrmann (University of Oxford).

Followed by end of term drinks and canapes.

Convenor(s): Nicholas Cronk (St Edmund Hall) and Avi Lifschitz (Magdalen College)

Time: Wednesday evenings. 5pm. *With the exception of week 3.

Venue: Sophia Sheppard Room, Magdalen College. *With the exception of weeks 3 and 5 which take place in the Terry Newport Room, Magdalen.


Week 1: Wednesday 26 April, 5pm.

'Mozart's Marriage of Figaro and the law of nations'.

Speaker: David Armitage (Harvard).


Week 2: Wednesday 3 May, 5pm.

'Lessing, Voltaire and theodicy'.

Speaker: Friedrich Vollhardt (LMU, Munich)


Week 3: Thursday 11 May, 4pm.

Colin Kidd (St Andrews) will discuss his 2023 Ford Lectures, 'Peculiarities of the English Enlightenment'.

Please note that this seminar will take place in the Terry Newport Room, Magdalen College.



Week 4: Wednesday 17 May, 5pm.

'William Warburton’s Divine Legation of Moses (1738-1741) and theological learning in the public sphere'.

Speaker: Michelle Pfeffer (Magdalen College, Oxford)


Week 5: Wednesday 24 May, 5pm.

'Herder and the French Revolution'.

Speaker: Eva Piirimäe (Tartu).

Please note that this seminar will take place in the Terry Newport Room, Magdalen College.


Week 6: Wednesday 31 May, 5pm.

'Seven years of literary and artistic life (1737-1744): what Voltaire’s new letters to Marie-Louise Denis bring to light'

Speaker: Nicholas Fréry (Strasbourg).


For further information, visit:


Convenors: Hannah Smith (St Hilda's), Kiran Mehta (Worcester), B. Harris (Worcester), P. Gauci (Lincoln)

Time: Tuesdays, weeks 1 to 8, 4.15pm.  Refreshments will be available from 4.00pm onwards.

Venue: Beckington Room, Lincoln College. For those who cannot make it to Lincoln, the talks will also be available via Teams. Please contact for access.


Week 1: Tuesday 25 April, 4.15pm.

'The Soldier, the Priest, the Spy & the Secretary: Four Men in Search of a Revolution, 1766-1773'

Speaker: David Hancock (Michigan)


Week 2: Tuesday 2 May, 4.15pm. 

'Liverpool’s Catholic Business Community, 1760-1829'

Speaker: Joe McDermott (Lincoln College)


Week 3: Tuesday 9 May, 4.15pm.

'What was politics? The conceptualisation of extra-parliamentary campaigns, 1775-1832'

Speaker: Mary O’Connor (Somerville College)


Week 4: Tuesday 16 May, 4.15pm. 

'Palaces, Plants and Politics: Reconsidering the Global Garden'

Speaker: Joanna Marschner (Royal Palaces)


Week 5: Tuesday 23 May 4.15pm.

'Partisanship and the Structure of Imperial Political Culture'

Speaker: Steve Pincus (Chicago)


Week 6: Tuesday 30 May, 4.15pm. 

'West Indian Estate-ownership in England and Wales 1700-1830'

Speaker: Elisabeth Grass (St Peter’s College).


Week 7: Tuesday 6 June, 4.15pm. 

Undergraduate Thesis Session. Two current undergraduates will discuss the experience and findings of their recently-completed theses.


Week 8: Tuesday 13 June, 4.15pm.

'Reimagining Imperium: James II and William III, by the Grace of God?'

Speaker: Joshua Whiteman Gardner (Durham).


For information about the seminar, and news of forthcoming events, visit our Facebook page:

We would be happy to post notices of interest to our group – contact


For information about the seminar, and news of forthcoming events, visit our Facebook page:  We would be happy to post notices of interest to our group – contact





Convenors: Natasha Bailey (Exeter College), Stephanie Cavanaugh (Exeter College), Erica Feild-Marchello (Exeter College), Giuseppe Marcocci (Exeter College), Glyn Redworth (Exeter College), and Cecilia Tarruell (New College).

Details regarding timings and venue are given under each listing.


Week 2: Wednesday 3 May, 4.30-6pm. Rector's Drawing Room, Exeter College.

'Republics of Difference: Religious Self-Governance in the Spanish Atlantic World'

Speaker: Karen Graubart (University of Notre Dame)


Week 4: Wednesday 17 May, 4.30-6pm. Rector's Drawing Room, Exeter College.

'Italian Renaissance and Iberian Diasporas (1492-1630)'

Speaker: Stephania Pastore (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa)

Joint Session with the Early Modern Italian Seminar.


Week 4: Thursday 18 May, 5-6.30pm. Latin America Centre (and online).

'New Archival Evidence about the Latin American Background to the 1619 Slave Voyage to Virgina'

Speaker: Stuart M. McManus (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Zoom link: 


Week 6: Tuesday 30 May, 4.30-6pm. Maddicott Room, Cohen Quad, Exeter College.

Current Graduate Research in Iberian History at Oxford.

Panel 1: 'Queerness and Sex Work in Early Modern Spain'. Maayan Aner (St Peter's College) and Clare Burgess (University College).

Panel 2: 'At the Edge of the Early Modern Iberian Empires'. Euan Huey (Wolfson College) & Daniel O'Driscoll (Jesus College)


Week 8: Wednesday 14 June, 4.30-6pm. Rector's Drawing Room, Exeter College.

'The White Ethiopian Girl: Genealogy of the Western Aversion to Miscegenation'

Speaker: Jean-Frédéric Schaub (Ecole des Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris).


For more information, please check, follow us on @IberiaHistoryOx, or email

Convenors: Diarmaid MacCulloch, Judith Maltby, Sarah Mortimer and Grant Tapsell

Time: Thursdays, weeks 1 to 8, 5pm. Drinks will be served after each session (details under each individual listing).

Venue: St Cross Room, St Cross College. For those who cannot make it to St Cross, the talks will also be available via Teams. Please contact for access.


Week 1: Thursday 27 April, 5pm.

'The Parliament of England and the Protestant Reformation'.

Speaker: Alexandra Gajda.

Drinks will be served afterwards in the Ursell Room, Pusey House.


Week 2: Thursday 4 May, 5pm. 

'Sacrifice and the beauty of grace in Abraham Cowley's Davideis'.

Speaker: Deni Kasa.

Drinks will be served afterwards in the Ursell Room, Pusey House.


Week 3: Thursday 11 May, 5pm.

'The Wife of Bath and the clerics, 1400-1700'.

Speaker: Marion Turner.

Drinks will be served afterwards in the Ursell Room, Pusey House.


Week 4: Thursday 18 May, 5pm. 

'Rowland Heylin, London-Welsh Puritan Networks and the 1630 Welsh Bible'.

Speaker: Lloyd Bowen

Drinks will be available afterwards at the Royal Oak for those who wish to join.


Week 5: Thursday 25 May, 5pm.

'The English Reformation in Wittenberg'.

Speaker: Charlotte Methuen

Drinks will be served afterwards in the Hood Room, Pusey House.


Week 6: Thursday 1 June, 5pm.

'Biblicism, radicalism and conversion: the case of Robert Everard truly stated'.

Speaker: George Southcombe

Drinks will be served afterwards in the Ursell Room, Pusey House.


Week 7: Thursday 8 June, 5pm.

'"Virtue ethics" in seventeenth-century England?'.

Speaker: John Spurr

Drinks will be available afterwards at the Royal Oak for those who wish to join.


Week 8: Thursday 15 June, 5pm.

'New Model theologians: soldiers and religious ideas in the English Revolution'.

Speaker: David Como.

Drinks will be served afterwards in the Ursell Room, Pusey House.


Offered by the Faculties of History and Theology and Religion, with the Bampton Trust.

For more information, please contact